So You Want To Be A Pirate

Posted By fangaea on Aug 15, 2019



What makes being a Pirate fun, is it the looting, the cutlasses or the exotic diseases?

The crew of the Stranglehold will help give some insight into the fun and maybe will take new recruits willing to sign articles to board.



The Pirates of the Stranglehold

The Pirates of the Stranglehold be found in the Port o’ San Diego and have been seen at several events that include Mira Mesa 4th of July Parade, San Diego Comic Con, Oceanside Harbor days, the opening of Pirate Shores at Legoland, assorted Cub Scout events and Library visits, and have had a very favorable relationship with Gold Coast Productions Escondido Renaissance Faire for several years.

These be Pirates tried and true and can be seen entertainin’ the crowds with their antics that include trying to bury a treasure by seekin’ help o’ the wanderin’ public, forcin’ someone to walk the plank that be on a leash, Pirate Court and their Scurvy Dawg team be performin’ at the Pre-show afore the Battle.

They tend to portray “cursed” type Pirates as seen in films but do have a smatterin’ o’ Pirate Lore which they can share with their minglin’ ways.

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