Silk Road Productions is a premier, Southern California-based event management and production team that has been recognized by the United States Congress, the State of California, the County of San Diego, and the City of San Diego for their events and for their service to enhancing and educating the communities in San Diego.
A full service event production firm, Silk Road Productions works with private entities, corporations, and nonprofits to make their events flow seamlessly, while ensuring event and organizational goals are achieved.
Silk Road Productions has created several renowned and acclaimed events, including the Asian Cultural Festival of San Diego, the AMP Music Festival, the San Diego Ramen Festival, among many others. Silk Road has also been instrumental in Asian themed events presented by the San Diego Padres, SeaWorld, the San Diego County Fair, and more! Learn more at
But more importantly, the Silk Road team and the Fangaea Committee are fans of nerdom and all things cool and geeky. We like dressing up, we like comic book movies, we like steam punk and Hello Kitty and sci-fi and video games and anime and pretty much everything there is.